Small business and freelancer Directory composed of Black, Indigenous and people of color who provide services in the audio and podcasting industry.

To search for a Black, Indigenous or person of color service provider in the podcasting and audio industry click on a filter below or type in a keyword in the search bar.

The BIPOC Podcast Creators - Verified Service Provider Directory was built in 2022 to help small businesses and freelancers reach potential clients seeking to hire and work with diverse talent. In this directory you will find Black, Indigenous, and other people of color who are producers, editors, audio engineers, marketing specialists, and even video producers.


We verify each provider to validate that they are a real entity or person and that they actively provide the services they're listing. We also require every service provider to show at least one client testimonial or professional letter of recommendation. Each provider confirms that all information and materials submitted are true to their knowledge.

Diferente Creative, INC
Hello Podcast Media

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